Member Profile

Tools for Solidarity

Ballycastle Community Hub

The Ballycastle Community Hub serves as a dynamic center for all, spearheading 10 distinct projects focused on environmental stewardship, food sustainability, and waste management.

Among its endeavors, the hub actively champions waste prevention through several initiatives:

  1. The Community Fridge initiative channels surplus food away from landfills, offering it freely to local residents, thereby curbing food waste.
  2. The Baby Bank functions as a repository of donated baby essentials, such as clothing, high chairs, and car seats, providing them for borrowing to families in need.
  3. Through the Book Swap program, donated books are circulated within the community, promoting literacy and a love for reading across all age groups, free of charge.
  4. The Toy Library redistributes donated toys, ensuring children have access to playthings without financial strain on their families.
  5. In the Community Cafe, all meals are crafted using donated food waste sourced from nearby retailers, promoting sustainability while nourishing the community.

These initiatives collectively underscore the hub’s dedication to fostering a more sustainable, inclusive, and supportive community ethos.