
Voices and Vision for the Circular Economy in Northern Ireland

Conference Recording

2 Videos

The team at Northern Ireland Resources Network are immensely proud to have recently hosted our first conference, ‘Voices and Vision for the Circular Economy in Northern Ireland’. This hybrid event welcomed attendees from across the UK, Ireland, and Europe, with our furthest registrant signing in from the United States and a guest speaker joining us all the way from Zambia.

We’d like to extend our thanks to the warm and witty, Nuala Mc Keever, for hosting our event and reminding us to have a sense of humour amidst growing eco-anxiety. Our wonderfully talented Moderator, Rosalind Skillen, for keeping the online audience engaged despite our amateur relationship with technology, and the perceptive Stephanie Heckman for capturing all of this as a graphic recorded piece of art ( soon to be uploaded to our website and also on display at The Playhouse).

Also thanks to Chloe Harkin, who looked after the live stream and made everything appear seamless – broadcasting remote speakers to both our in-house and online audiences. The team at The Playhouse were extremely supportive.

R&D media did a fantastic job on our member spotlight videos, which you can find here on this page, and Unit 7 backed our event up with an extra layer of tech for a breakout session.

Not forgetting the wind in our sails, Community Resources Network Ireland (CRNI), who had our back all the way, as we stepped closer to becoming our own incorporated company.

Finally, very many thanks to our breakout session facilitator Paula Larkin and to all our guest speakers and their respective organisations for the insightful presentations which you can now access via the links at the bottom of this page.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without support from our funders at the Department for Agriculture and Environmental Affairs (DAERA)

Members Spotlight Video by R&D Media

NIRN Members Spotlight

3 Videos

Keynote Speaker slides available here. We look forward to following up on action points

If you would like to feature a story about an action or connection that came out of the conference, we would love to include this in our newsletter. Email caroline@ni-rn.com