Set up in 2000, this charity strives for social inclusion for the Deaf Community. We consider the environment in all of our activities & projects.
We have an on site charity shop where we sell quality goods that were destined for landfill. This generates funds to be used in the provision of services for our members.
The charity shop is staffed by volunteers; all of whom work hard to minimise waste.
We recently formed a partnership with a local men’s shed with a view to reusing off-cuts of timber and creating bird boxes, window boxes and raised beds to attract wildlife locally.
In late 2021, we arranged training for 3 Deaf members in upcycling furniture and currently have an upcycling program being facilitated in sign language by these members. This program uses donated furniture and will be sold to ensure sustainability of the charity.
Exciting future sustainable plans include installing solar panels and growing our own vegetables and herbs
More information can be found at
Facebook: That Talk
Twitter handle: @hands_that_talk